Our Playground

This is our playground. During break time, we like to come here and play. Our favorite part of the playground is the slide. We always wait in line to play. There are also some monkey bars here. They are very fun, but please be careful! As long as you follow the rules, you will have a wonderful time in the playground.

*playground遊樂場;*break 休息;*favorite 最喜歡的;*slide溜滑梯;*monkey bars單槓;*fun好玩的;*please請;*careful小心; *follow the rules遵守規矩;*wonderful極好的


這是我們的遊樂場。下課時間,我們喜歡來這裡玩樂。在遊樂場上,我們最喜歡的設施是溜滑梯。玩耍時,我們都會排隊。這裡也有一些單槓。單槓非常好玩,但是請務必小心! 只要在遊戲場上遵守規矩,你會度過非常美好的時間。

